Grading and Evaluating System

The school academic year is divided into three major terms, Term 1, Term 2, and Term 3. Students will be evaluated according to two types of assessments: Summative and Formative Assessments.

Summative Assessment will include:

  • Two monthly exams per term.
  • One final exam at the end of the term.

Formative Assessment will include: Projects, quizzes, oral evaluation, presentation and show and tell, oral reading, writing evaluation, Dictation in both Arabic and English, Quran reciting, graded classwork, laboratory in High School, homework, and classwork.

The total student’s mark is a 100 divided into (70) for all student work; (30) for final exams
Students from G.1- G.3 will have continuous assessment system. It means that they will be evaluated continuously all over the semester. Students from G.4- G.12 will have the following major exams within this academic year:
  • Term 1 Final Exam
  • Term 2 Final Exam
  • Term 3 Final Exam
  • Important Points

    • The teacher has the right to be qualified to enable her to perform her educational mission ably. This is achieved through continuous training, curriculum development, and the acquisition of these skills by the teacher.
    • Raising the level of the teacher’s performance and developing it through training courses (internal and external training), informing her of everything new in the field of education and technology, training her on the use of modern methods and educational techniques that facilitate the education process.
    • Encouraging the teacher for scientific research and experimentation in the field of preparation, teaching methods, classroom management and evaluation…etc.
    • Sponsoring outstanding teachers, developing their talents, documenting their distinguished achievements and activities in studies and research, and introducing them to others.
    • Enable the teacher to teach the subject of her specialty.
    • Dealing with the teacher’s problems in an educational manner, away from bullying and defamation.
    • Providing the appropriate school environment for the teacher to work comfortably and safely.

    Report Cards

    Report cards are sent home with students, or uploaded on Classera at the end of each term. We do this three times during the school year. End of year certificate is issued at the end of the year according to Ministry rules and regulations.

    High school students receive official transcript and American Diploma certificates that are certified from the Ministry of Education and Cognia the American accreditation organization.